The Intensity TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Digital Stimulator is a medical device used for pain management and muscle stimulation. It delivers low-voltage electrical impulses through electrodes placed on the skin to block pain signals or stimulate nerves and muscles, providing relief from various types of pain and promoting muscle rehabilitation.
The Intensity TENS Digital Stimulator typically features a digital interface with a screen display, allowing users to select and adjust various settings such as intensity levels, pulse frequency, and treatment duration. It may offer multiple pre-set modes or programs tailored for different types of pain or treatment purposes. These modes may include options for pain relief, muscle stimulation, massage, or combination therapies.
Users can often adjust parameters such as pulse width, pulse rate, and intensity level to customize the treatment according to their individual needs and preferences. The device is compact and portable, allowing for convenient use at home, work, or on the go. Some models may come with a carrying case for easy storage and transport.
Many Intensity TENS Digital Stimulator devices come with a rechargeable battery, eliminating the need for disposable batteries and providing cost-effective and environmentally friendly operation. Built-in safety features such as adjustable timers, automatic shut-off, and lock settings help ensure safe and effective use of the device. Some models may feature multiple electrode channels, allowing for the simultaneous treatment of multiple areas of pain or muscle groups.